Set the standard. As part of the WInnForum Spectrum Sharing Committee you'll be making the standards, not just following them.
Benefits of Membership
* Have a tangible say in how CBRS and shared spectrum bands operate and the standards, testing, protocols, best practices and testing that make them work * Get first-hand information about upcoming standards, rules, and shared spectrum options * Work with talented, motivated and highly knowledgeable spectrum standards experts * Get industry news summarized for company consumption and competitive updates
If you belong to an organization that works toward advancing technologies supporting innovative utilization of spectrum and development of wireless communications systems, you need to be a part of the Wireless Innovation Forum.
Your competitors are here. Join the community.
Working groups and their associated task groups develop standards in the phases listed per the SSC Roadmap. To join our current committee members below contact WInnForum CEO, [email protected].